This article focuses on the thousands of migrants from Central America who were heading towards the United States through Mexico. Popular media regularly described the group as fleeing gang violence or extreme poverty which has overlooked climate change as a crucial driving factor. Experts have stated that climate change in the region is increasing, causing numerous problems such as crop failures and poverty. Many migrants expressed that the main push factor influencing their departure was food insecurity which is directly linked to climate change. The unpredictable weather patterns have detrimentally impacted farmers and agricultural workers who rely on temperature-sensitive crops such as coffee and maize. The article also touches on the 1951 UN refugee convention which does not mention climate change. However, with an estimated 150-300 million climate refugees predicted to be displaced by 2050, new frameworks are necessary.
Although the article is a couple months old, I believe it is still very beneficial in exploring global migration patterns. The migrant caravan was highly reported in media, however, this article presented a unique perspective on the role climate change plays as a driver of migration. It is critical to center climate change in migration topics as it will play a significant role in future trends. It is also important in examining the role that policy will play in the future. Since climate change will play a significant role in displacing refugees, it is necessary that policy is adapted to support the human-rights of impacted peoples. The disproportionate impacts of climate change can be viewed as a form of colonialism; therefore, this subject is relevant in transgressing North/South power inequalities. The role that rich, Western states play in the atmospheric rise in CO2 is incomparable to countries in the Global South and these inequalities need to be addressed in future policy.
URL/Link: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/oct/30/migrant-caravan-causes-climate-change-central-america
Keywords: migration, caravan, climate change, borders
Author: A1