To post to the FEMINISM WITHOUT BORDERS blog, please follow the below instructions.
Send Email to:
Each upload to the website (7 per student) MUST INCLUDE the following 5 things or it will not be published on the site.
1. The entry that is to be uploaded as a Word or Pages document. Every entry must be sent in a separate email (7 per student).
2. The title for your entry.
3. The image that is to be uploaded with that entry, as a separate attachment.
4. 3-5 tags that apply to the entry (ie. neoliberalism, refugee etc.)
5. The Pseudonym that you wish to be published under.
If there is anything else you would like in terms of formatting or placement on the website, please add that in the body of the email!
We'll do our best to post in a timely fashion, but if you don't see your content posted, please let us know.