This article, based off of a series of interviews done by Jane Juffer, PhD an associate professor of English and Feminist, Gender, and Sexuality Studies at Cornell University, is only a paltry 300 words but it illuminates the situation clearly. With that short time this article lists the cold facts about the experiences of immigrant women on both sides of their border crossings. This article, while predominantly about immigration also hints at how the myriad intersections of race, class, and gender, also contribute to this abuse.
This article is simple, short, and in the year it was published (2015) it was one of the only stories to mention the atrocities being committed at the US-Mexico border. I included this article because it is from a source that I find incredibly valuable as it is one of the only non-corporate media sources that I trust to be consistently accurate and investigative. I first read this article in early 2017 when I was looking into this website for a class project. Since then, this issue has obviously become more publicized and documented more broadly, but I always remember this piece as being instrumental in opening my eyes to the double-bind that many immigrants, especially women, face in immigrating.
Keywords: migration, abuse, women
Author: Layla
This article is extremely important to focus on because of its relevance in mass media today. Immigration has become an extremely controversial topic with the current American administration’s attack on immigrants by framing them as the “enemy”. Immigration on the Southern Border of the United States has become increasingly dangerous as the “Trump effect” grows and harbors bigotry. Articles like the one written on ‘Project Censored’, are important to be published and spread through media to dismantle the racism and prejudice that manifests hatred and refuses people their basic human right to seek asylum. The abuse these women suffer at the border is undoubtedly a result of their intersecting identity of being people of colour and women. The abuse the…