Gender-based violence against women is one of the main violations to human rights. There is a need to comprehend the magnitude and nature of different forms of violence against women; as statistics show that one of three women experience gender-based violence.
It is recognized as a risk factor to a public health problem, it affects both the mental and physical health of women and consequently affects families and communities. Its important to understand that violence a against women is a global phenomenon that goes beyond geographical locations, culture, context, beliefs and backgrounds. The article highlights some of the forms of violence against women like, by intimate partner violence, female genital mutilation, rape, dowry related violence, honor killings among some other forms of violence practiced against women.
Clear definitions are needed to be able to compare information across studies to generate a knowledge base that will allow us to identify the reasons on why violence against women occur and what actions may serve to prevent it. This glossary aims to describe various forms of interpersonal violence that are directed towards women and girls.
I am interested in this article because it sheds light on the magnitude of the sexual and gender-based violence women are facing globally. The article discusses the different kinds of violence and the different perpetrators and ultimately asks the question, what more it will take to recognize the propagation of this abuse into meaningful sustained action?
The article by Harris, M. (2010). Transnational feminism and gender-based violence: Exploring the relationship between feminist theory and V-Day, highlights that transnational women movements are always trying to rally to end the violence against women, but it needs the collective efforts to accept and recognize the diversities and differences in backgrounds, cultures, beliefs, and goals that emerge from women around the globe and their unique communities. Transnational feminism as a practice, examines the multiple historical and contemporary intersections of race, gender, sexuality, economics, and nationality (among others) on a global scale.
Keywords: Gender, Intersectionality, Transnational Feminism, Violence, Women
Author: Blackiris