This video is part of a series of videos done by Cuystwi, which aim to educate Indigenous youth, ages 13-15, on celebrating indigenous cultures, learning the histories, discussing decolonization, as well as learning about ways to deal with racism and build healthy relationships. This particular video is about decolonizing sexuality and describing the ways in which this can be done and why it is important. The Indigenous women in the video are discussing various ways that sexuality can be decolonized, focusing on the ways in which pre-contact indigenous people often didn’t have binary categories of gender or sexual orientation. They emphasize the naturalness of all forms of identity and orientation, and also speak to the complexities of a person beyond these things. As well, they discuss the implementation of European values and behaviour on indigenous peoples, as well as the cultural genocide involved.
This video is a really great introduction to the concept of decolonizing sexuality, as well it would be good for pre-teens and teenagers to watch in order to get a broader sense of sexuality beyond binaries. These women are having open conversations, as well as asking insightful questions about what it would look like to have decolonizing sexuality education, beyond just “the talk”. They weave the conversation about sexuality into other topics like connection to land, water, and animals. In doing so, they incorporate sexuality into all aspects of life, without making it necessarily central or prescriptive. This resource is part of a series of videos that can be viewed by many ages, and has value in it’s information as well as it’s inviting format.
Keywords: decolonization, sexuality, beyond binaries
Author: Steven