This video relates to the topics female migration under the globalization of neoliberal practices. This documentary is about the Vietnam refugees as they were better know as “boat people” as they fled after the Vietnam War ended. The documentary shows the hardships they people on these boats went through, especially the one boat called Bolinao 52. The story is told by a survivor from the boat, she recalls the horrors of their boat engine dying, as they were stuck floating at sea for nineteen days. Over the duration of that time, refugees began to succumb to not having food or water. Being passed up by other boats and when a boat does stop for them, which was a navy boat. They are once again their pleases were ignored. And they were left at sea up to the thirty-seven days, where they resorted to cannibalism to just survive.
The importance of this documentary and why I chose it was showed what the journey was like for the women and children who were stuck on these boats while making the journey across the China Sea. It’s also important because when this documentary came out, it was the first time that it was discussed, and the importance of describing the harsh realities of what the journey was like. This is important or reliable to the intersectional, decolonial, transnational praxis as it represents the “other women” and how we have consumed the narrative of looking at how we look at one culture and move on the after. The fantasies that is associated with other borders, in other countries.
Keywords: neoliberal, globalization, migration, structural inequality
Author: Zachary Geddes